Do you (or a loved one) ever experience any of these health issues?
- Exhaustion
- Cravings for sweets
- Bad breath
- White coat on tongue / oral thrush
- Brain fog
- Hormone imbalance
- Joint pain
- Loss of sex drive
- Chronic sinus and allergy issues
- Digestive problems (gas and bloating)
- Weak immune system
- Moodiness
- Repeated jock itch or athlete’s foot
- Acid reflux
- Night sweats
- Anal itching
- Vertigo
- Skin and nail fungal/yeast overgrowth
- Acne/ skin eruptions
- Hives
If so, these are just some of the signs that you may have candida… a common yeast (or mold) overgrowth in the gut or mouth.
If you do a quick GOOGLE search you’ll find thousands of articles written by individuals who want to sell you the latest greatest yeast cleansing products. They will tell you that that CAUSE of the yeast overgrowth is anything from: antibiotic use, birth control pills, oral steroids, diabetes, certain medications, too much sugar, a weakened immune system and of course “leaky gut syndrome”! You will find diet plans like “Phase One” or “Candida Diet” etc. that tell you to avoid fruits, sugars, grains, etc. you will be told to eat lots of yogurt and take high doses of probiotics.
Lining your gut are about 10 – 12 layers of good bacteria that are responsible for turning the food you eat into YOU by producing all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to operate correctly. Those bugs (the good bacteria) rely on you to put into your body what they need to do their jobs.
Most likely at some point in your life you were given antibiotics to kill off some undesirable parasite (bad bacteria) in your body. The problem is that when you took that antibiotic you also killed all the good guys along with the bad guys. A single full course of antibiotics can destroy up to 6 of the 12 layers of good bacteria. In your effort to “eat healthy” you might spend money on organic foods, you might be ingesting tons of probiotics and taking lots of vitamins and minerals… but it’s all almost useless because you aren’t actually absorbing the bulk of the nutrients… the good bacteria that do the heavy breaking down of foods are no longer present to help with that absorption!
Our guts contain over 1,000 varieties of good bacteria… as one researcher puts it: “a virtual zoo in our bodies!” These good guys really hate parasites that come in and disrupt everything… particularly they do not like CANDIDA ALBICANS. Candida is a specific pathogen (germ) that feeds off our sugar and grain consumption. There is no question that Candida illnesses are of epidemic proportions in our society today; mainly because we have not known how to “treat” it with a great deal of success.
The typical American adult consumes up to 150 pounds of added sugar a year. Processed grains are major sources of the sugar we consume. Even food we don’t think of as “sweet” like: Ketchup, nut butters, yogurt, milk products often contain sugar or sugar substitutes. (An example is: GREEK YOGURT has more sugar than a can of soda!)
Food cravings aren’t just in your head.
They are in your GUT!
You may think the reason for you pigging out on donuts and chocolate cake or tortilla chips is because you just love the taste and texture, but the real reason is this: the Candida in your gut thrive on sugar and to get their fix they release chemicals that bring on carb or sugar cravings.
Sweets excite the same centers in the brain that are stimulated by drugs like heroin and cocaine. They release the neurotransmitter dopamine, triggering a pleasure response, and you end up associating food with pleasure. Now that you want more pleasure, you eat more of that food… and the cycle just keeps repeating. (And the damn food companies KNOW this!!!!)
Ok… back to Candida… there are no known benefits of Candida to the human body. The job of Candida is to ferment your body after you die so it decays properly. Sounds gruesome, doesn’t it! The deal is… you certainly don’t want this process to start too early!!!
Athletes food (toenail fungus), vaginal yeast infections, yeast in the ears, or on your skin are all caused by this Candida overgrowth. Most doctors treat with a cream or suppository… as if treating the visual site will cure it. It doesn’t. It’s not a “localized” problem. It’s systemic (all over). If you see it as “athlete’s foot” … then it has really overgrown throughout the body and has set up housekeeping in your gut. So … when you give in to your “craving” for that blueberry muffin or donut or cookie or processed pasta, you are feeding the Candida in your gut!
Not only is Candida Albicans the cause of many vaginal, mouth, throat and gastro infections… it’s well known to also affect almost all body parts, organs, tissues and cells. Research physicians suspect Candida as a major contributor to AIDS, various forms of cancer, infertility in women, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, arthritis, pneumonia, meningitis, myasthenia gravis, and a multitude of mental and physical discomforts, etc.
Once Candida has taken over your gut, the good bacteria don’t have a chance. If you take a full dosage of antibiotics, the Candida proliferates. They set up house all over the gut and body. In your effort to combat this you run to your local health food store and buy a “good” probiotic thinking that will help. Sometimes you remember to take it and maybe sometimes you forget. You hope that this little probiotic will replenish all the good gut flora and ask the Candida to please move out. Sadly… the Candida is going to literally laugh at this attempt to repopulate with good bacteria. Imagine, if you will… if you walked into a Hell’s Angel’s biker bar and asked one of the bikers to move off his barstool so you can sit down!?!? Are you kidding? Not going to happen.
In order to fix this situation, you will have to completely remove the bad guys, the Candida. If you don’t… then all the probiotics you take are pretty much going into the toilet.
The best way to remove these “Hell’s Angel’s bikers” is to add into your body a “friendly yeast” called Saccharomyces boulardii, or S. boulardii. This strain is non-colonizing and isn’t going to create disease in your body… instead it competes with the Candida and displaces it, moving the Candida through your GI tract and out in your stool without killing it. Pretty ingenious, isn’t it? This particular type of yeast (S. boulardii) remains inside you only for about 5 or 6 days before your body naturally eliminates it. It only takes about 2 weeks (maybe a tad longer) to move out the bulk of the Candida in your gut. You do need to take a high-quality multi-strain probiotic so the good guys can move back in and start to colonize again.
You also MUST eat right. If you keep feeding the Candida there is no point in trying to move it out! And if you take S. boulardii while continuing a poor diet… then you will feel bloated and uncomfortable and pass a ton of gas!
STEPS to eliminate Candida
Avoid all processed sugars and grains (even whole grains) for 3 days then immediately start a high-quality boulardii supplement and take for up to12 weeks straight while maintaining the diet (lots of whole foods without grains & added sugars)
- Eat complex carbs like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Bok Choy, dark greens. Eat lean meats and fish (organic) for your amino acids/protein. Eat fruit (berries & avocados & olives) ONLY at lunch or after. Add MCT oil every morning. Walnuts and almonds and seeds are ok. Fermented foods are great if made WITHOUT vinegar (pickles, sauerkraut, etc.). Avoid: wine, beer, breads, vinegars, honey, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, gluten, rye, oats, barley, dairy.
We carry in our office the highest quality probiotics and S. boulardii that you can get. Please do not just purchase off the Internet or local health food store. Work with a practitioner who understands this.
Mold and yeast are eukaryotes belonging to the kingdom of Fungi. Belonging to the same kingdom, both differ in structure, function, color and mode of reproduction. Mold is multicellular. They are found as masses of mycelium or hyphae with various colors. They reproduce sexually or asexually. On the contrary, yeast is unicellular and may be round, oval or filamentous. SO, THEY ARE BOTH A TYPE OF FUNGI with different characteristics in their structure and uses.
In a word: YES!
A urinary tract infection is usually caused by the presence of E. coli (approximately 80% of all of these infections) The other 20% of bacteria can be from klebsiella, enterobacter, staphylococcus, and other bacteria. These bacteria have protective properties that allow the bacterium to /stick/adhere to the lining of the bladder and the mucosal wall of the entire urinary tract. Their presence causes inflammation, cloudy urine with an unpleasant odor, and bladder and pelvic pain. Without going into extreme detail, there are several factors that can increase the likelihood of developing a UTI in people who are exposed to toxic mold.
- Being female – Women are more prone to UTI’s than men because of the close proximity of the urethra to the anus. The bacteria have a shorter distance to travel in order to colonize in the lining of the urethra and the bladder. Estrogen and progesterone shifts during menopause alter the pH of the urine and cause changes in tissue structure. Women over 65 have the highest rates of UTI’s.
- Using too many anti-bacterial chemicals in your environment like: anti-bacterial body washes, hand soaps, kitchen dish soaps and toxic anti-bacterial cleaners. This can kill off beneficial bacteria from your hands-to-mouth or on your skin that directly affect your gut health and urinary tract health.
- Being exposed to toxic mold and mycotoxin in your environment directly affects the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, kidneys and urinary tracts. Toxic mold directly affects the endocrine system of the body and changes the production of stress hormones in the body. These stress hormones change the tone of the kidneys and cause the kidneys to empty slowly which in-turn keep bad bacteria in the kidneys longer than usual. Being exposed to mold directly causes estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency in both men and women which will alter the pH of the urine and cause “ideal bacterial-growth conditions” inside the bladder. It’s important NOT to simply treat UTI’s with temporary band aids but to address the “causes” of UTI from an exposure perspective.
Not to completely freak you out.. but… To date, more than 100 thousand fungal species have been identified and systematized. According to recent moderate estimates, the number of species could reach up to four million! Chronic intoxication of farm animals, contamination of food and raw materials, flood and moisture ridden homes and offices… are all breeding grounds for these “mycotoxins” (toxic chemicals products produced by fungi).
It has been estimated that up to 50% of illness results from exposure to indoor air pollution, with exposure to water-damaged indoor environments likely being a significant contributor to this issue. (One additional New Orleans study also quantified endotoxins indoors, however, at similar levels to the non-flooded homes also located in New Orleans!)
There have been a number of treatment approaches have been used in the treatment of illness resulting from exposure to water-damaged buildings, molds, and mycotoxins. Symptoms and illness due to exposure result from varying mechanisms including infection, toxicity, allergy, irritant effects, and systemic inflammation.
The majority of clients with mold or environmental illness have seen 10-12 doctors before finding the causes and beginning of solutions to their ailments. This is partly because symptoms are nonspecific and overlap other conditions. The most common mycotoxin toxicity symptoms include:
- Chronic fatigue/exhaustion
- Sinusitis and sinus issues
- Brain fog
- Immune suppression
- Chronic illness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anemia
- Fluid retention
- General weakness
- Nausea
- Intestinal distress (irritable bowel, diarrhea, cramps, etc.)
- Asthma
- Hearing problems
- Rashes and hives
- Shortness of breath
- Migraine and headaches
No two people will react the same to these exposures. Individual responses to exposure may vary based on genetic makeup, duration and severity of exposure, and underlying health and nutritional status. While it’s often difficult to determine the cause of the many components of water-damaged buildings, studies on illness from exposure to damp/water-damaged environments have been consistent in identifying the overall exposure itself as being the main factor associated with adverse health effects.
Individual components of exposure that have been identified include: mold and mold spores, mycotoxins, bacteria, bacterial endotoxins and other cell wall components, protozoa (amoeba), increased presence of rodents, insects and dust mites, and increased deterioration of building materials with consequent off-gassing of toxic fumes such as formaldehyde.
While foodborne exposure to mycotoxins and fungal contaminants has been well researched, substantial information about airborne and transdermal routes of exposure also exists. Airborne exposure is likely the most significant route of exposure in water-damaged indoor environments; however, transdermal and potentially foodborne exposure through contact with indoor mycotoxins can also occur in these settings. Skin penetration of mycotoxins also occurs. Dermal contact with mycotoxin-contaminated items can also be a source of exposure which has the potential to occur even after a person has removed themselves from the contaminated environment since many people bring mold and mycotoxin-contaminated items to their new settings.
Illness resulting from exposure to water-damaged buildings can be caused by infection, toxicity, allergy, and inflammatory responses triggered by exposure to one or more of the agents present in water-damaged buildings and are often mediated by oxidative stress. Types of disorders that can be seen resulting from water-damaged environments, mold, mycotoxins and bacteria include, infections and mycoses, chronic and fungal rhinosinusitis, IgE-mediated sensitivity and asthma, other hypersensitivity reactions, pulmonary inflammatory disease, immune suppression and modulation, autoimmune disorders, mitochondrial toxicity, carcinogenicity, renal toxicity, neurotoxicity, and DNA adducts to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA causing mutations. A significant mechanism of injury includes oxidative stress. This becomes significant as it directs the approach to treatment, which focuses on removing ongoing sources of oxidative stress in the body, such as mycotoxins, as well as instituting treatments which focus on countering oxidative stress like glutathione and other antioxidants. Inflammation triggered by exposure also appears to play a significant role in illness during and after exposure to water-damaged environments.
Most commonly, however, many mechanisms are interacting in an individual at any given time, making it imperative to address the illness with a comprehensive, multifaceted approach. Although respiratory symptoms are common from exposure to water-damaged indoor environments, it is important to note that a typical patient presents with multiple symptoms which are often debilitating, including fatigue, neurocognitive symptoms, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, depression, irritability, gastrointestinal problems, tremors, balance disturbance, palpitations, vasculitis, angioedema, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Children exposed to indoor molds showed a statistically significant deficit of approximately 10 points. Additionally, it was shown in this study that longer exposure to indoor molds tripled the risk for low IQ scores defined as values below the 25th percentile. The development of new onset chemical sensitivity is also commonly seen after exposure and can have a severe impact on a person’s life. It is always important to identify and address abnormalities that are found at increased frequency in persons exposed to water-damaged building such as thyroid, immune dysfunction and autoimmune conditions. However, clinicians treating these conditions often see significant improvement with comprehensive treatment and detoxification.
Respiratory illnesses have consistently been found to be associated with exposure to water-damaged, damp indoor environments. Examples of this include chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis including allergic fungal rhinitis, and sinusitis, asthma (new onset and exacerbations), conjunctivitis, invasive, and allergic pulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and sarcoidosis. A study of adult asthma found that those who developed occupational asthma were significantly more likely to have been exposed to water-damage and mold at work.
The most important component of treatment is avoidance of further exposure to water-damaged environments and items contaminated by those environments as ongoing exposure will thwart any efforts at detoxification and perpetuate a reactive state. Unfortunately, it is often difficult and expensive to test environments and items that have been exposed to those environments for mycotoxin contamination and consequently this testing is often not done. Research has shown that none of the commonly used methods for cleaning water-damaged materials such as bleach, ammonia, ultraviolet (UV) light, heating, and ozone were found to completely remove mold and mycotoxins from water-damaged building materials.
Why Test for Mycotoxins?
Mycotoxins cause adverse health effects that may be acute and chronic in nature that can manifest in various and ambiguous symptoms, the degree of impact can vary depending on the age, sex, genetics, and underlying health status of the exposed individual, as well as the duration and dose magnitude of the offending substance and their synergistic effects with other mycotoxins. Providers assessing symptomatic patients with known mold exposure or with an environmental history concerning mold exposure will also need to consider the simultaneous presence of mycotoxins and their potential negative health impacts as proper testing is essential for accurate treatment. The MycoTOX urine Profile we utilize is specifically designed to help you identify mycotoxin exposure and guide a targeted prevention and treatment plan.
How Can Someone Be Exposed to Mycotoxins?
Common routes of exposure include inhalation, dermal contact, and ingestion via commonly contaminated food sources (corn, cereals, ground and tree nuts, spices, dried fruits, apples, coffee, meat, milk, and eggs). Mold contamination can also affect nearly all indoor materials, including drywall, paint, wallpaper, carpeting, and more, posing various routes of exposure. When excessive moisture is present in high-humidity geographic areas or water-damaged buildings, the growth of these biological agents in damp environments leads to the production of spores, cells, fragments, and volatile organic compounds, which have been linked to a wide range of health hazards.
The MycoTOX profile utilizes state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technology to ensure high specificity (or fewer false positive results) and capture free (unconjugated) mycotoxin presence even at low levels. This is crucial, as mycotoxins, even at low levels of exposure, can cause serious health problems. Our test is so sensitive that we can detect amounts of many compounds in parts per trillion (ppt). To account for variations in fluid intake, we utilize creatinine correction to ensure accurate and reliable results. By employing LC-MS/MS technology, we can precisely identify all our analytes, reducing the risk of false positives. With the MycoTOX Urine Profile, you can trust that you are receiving the most accurate and reliable results possible.
What 41 species of mold are measured in the MycoTOX Profile (give our office a call for our inhome kit)
Acremonium sp.,Aureobasidium, F. graminearum, Phoma sp., Alternaria, Chaetomium, F. incarnatum, Rhodotorula, A. flavipes, Cladosporium moniliforme, Scopulariopsis, Aspergillus flavus, Cunninghamella, solani, Stachybotrys, A.fumigatus, Cylindrocarpon, F. verticillioides, S. chartarum, A. niger, Dendrodochium, Myrothecium roridum, Trichoderma viride, A. ochraceusExophiala, M. verrucaria, Ulocaldium, A. parasiticus, Fusarium avenaceum, Penicillium carbonarius, Verticillium, A. sydowii, F. cerealis, P. nordicum, versicolor, F. clumonrum, P. stoloniferum, , A. viridictum, F. equiseti, P. verrucosum
Given the role of oxidative stress in illness from exposure to mold and mycotoxins, the use of glutathione and glutathione precursors plays a large part in treatment. Glutathione is an endogenously produced tripeptide (glycine, cysteine, and glutamate) that in its reduced state functions in several enzyme systems in the body to assist in the detoxification of fat-soluble compounds and as an antioxidant, quenching free radicals. Many disease states including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and autism have been found to be associated with low glutathione levels and have been treated with glutathione precursor (N-acetyl cysteine) or various forms of glutathione. Glutathione deficiency, as is frequently seen by clinicians treating patients exposed to water-damaged buildings, can have far-reaching effects on the body.
Reduced glutathione (GSH) can be administered in an intravenous, nebulized, transdermal, oral liposomal, and nasal form. It is best to use GSH in conjunction with sequestering agents (charcoal, chlorella, blue green algea, chlorophyl, silica, clay, etc) as administration of GSH appears to allow the mobilization of toxins, including mycotoxins. A review of the literature shows a successful use of a variety of sequestering agents. Activated carbons (charcoal) have long been used medically, both for acute and delayed effects of toxins. Studies of use of activated carbons for mycotoxins have shown several beneficial effects. Sequestering agents should be taken together 2 to 4 times a day, apart from medications and supplements.
In addition to glutathione, additional antioxidants and vitamins CAN be helpful. Clients seen in our office have often been ill for a prolonged period of time and identifying and correcting nutritional deficiencies essential for optimal detoxification and recovery. Common deficiencies encountered include vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, coenzyme Q10, various probiotics (specifically S. Boulardii) and B vitamin deficiencies all, of which can adversely affect multiple pathways in the body necessary for detoxification, thereby adding to the effects of the toxin exposure. A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables should be eaten.
The identification of food allergies and avoidance of problematic foods are also beneficial. Gluten deserves special mention as it can contribute to inflammation and neurologic and psychiatric symptoms. Beneficial effects can be seen from the avoidance of gluten, even in those not found to have celiac disease.
NOTE: everyone with mold does NOT need to take everything listed below. Work with us or a practitioner who understands how to manage and possibly layer these supplements.
- S. Boulardii probiotic 9 billion minimally (3 billion 3X daily)
- Reduced glutathione – 150mg 3x daily
- Charcoal – 1 capsule 3x daily (separate from other supplements)
- Akkermansia probiotic 1 daily
- Black cumin seed capsules (order on Amazon)
- Balance (our liver support with NAC) 2 daily
- Fisetin 500mg x 2 daily
- Curcumin (our RELIEF product) 2 daily
- Multi Detox (on our website) 2 each meal
- Specific minerals, vitamins or hormones based on further testing.
References: PMID: 23710148
Legal: The information provided is not intended as a means of diagnosis or treating illness or as a replacement for any medicine or advice from a competent physician. Individuals having serious health problems should consult a competent licensed physician specializing in their condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. We assume no responsibility for anyone choosing to self-administer any suggestions in this publication; they do so on their own determinism. The information in this publication is for educational purposes only.
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