
Adrenal Insufficiency

Almost every health problem that you have…  has stress as a component! In every stressful situation, there is an immediate adrenal gland response… This is the gland that is responsible for the ʺfight or flightʺ response. Over 80% of us

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Alzheimer’s Disease

Back in 2004 I made a trip home to see my parents in Arkansas. I had gone home to visit because my Mom was not doing well … she had an advanced stage of LUPUS. She was literally “chair bound”

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Autoimmune Diseases

MYSTERY ILLNESSES & Autoimmune Diseases We are facing an epidemic of allergic (60 million people), asthmatic (30 million people), and autoimmune disorders (24 million people). Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, celiac disease, thyroid disease, IBS/IBD, Ulcerative

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Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) & UTI’s

NATURAL Solutions Have you experienced any of these symptoms? Vaginal discharge: White, dull gray or greenish and/or foamy Smells Itching Burning Irritation Discomfort in the vaginal area Smell after sex Sometimes vaginal pain Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common

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Birth Control Dangers

An estimated 150 million women worldwide take birth control pills Such widespread use of birth control pills worries me because many women are not aware of the serious health implications of these drugs. I also believe that birth control pills

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Brain & Uterus Connection

THE BRAIN & UTERUS CONNECTION Barbara, age 40, arrives in our office complaining of heart racing, debilitating brain fog, short term memory loss, and anxiety. Susan, age 57, arrives in our office complaining of a complete inability to think clearly…

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Breast Health

  Long before we have our first date, we have attention on our breasts. We love them, we hate them. We want them bigger. We want them smaller. We wonder why guys stare at them. We wish they weren’t in

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CANCER: Is it A Case of Unresolved Grief and Deep Hurt and Longstanding Resentment? NO DISEASE is as dreaded as cancer. There’s a good reason for this: The unknown cause(s) of cancer keeps those who suffer from it in a chronic

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CANDIDA / YEAST / MOLD (mycotoxins)

Do you (or a loved one) ever experience any of these health issues? Exhaustion Cravings for sweets Bad breath White coat on tongue / oral thrush Brain fog Hormone imbalance Joint pain Loss of sex drive Chronic sinus and allergy

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Gluten FREE * Whole Food Plant Based & Meat Based Recipes For both INSTANT POT and STOVE TOP cooking For both INSTANT POT and STOVE TOP cooking Why another little cookbook? My gosh… we all have so many darn cookbooks

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Coronavirus ! We all have a lot of questions about coronavirus, including how do I avoid it? And what do I do if I think I have it? Here are my answers to the most asked questions we have about staying healthy.

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Dietary Guidelines for Repairing Health

How to Reverse/Heal: Obesity, Aches & Pains, Insulin Resistance – Autoimmune Diseases – Diabetes – IBS – UC – Crohn’s Disease – SIBO – Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue, Improve/Repair Skin Health, Lessen Anxiety & Depression, Increase Energy, Build Muscle, Improve Heart

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Dry Brushing

What if I told you there’s a simple wellness trick that only takes five minutes a day, costs nothing, and helps cleanse your body, inside and out? Dry skin brushing has a number of health benefits and is so simple

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Endometriosis is a treatable condition and you don’t have to use drugs or surgery to fix it. Endometriosis is considered part of the spectrum of ‘estrogen dominance’ which is a condition of too much estrogen relative to progesterone. Remember that estrogen and

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Epstein Barr Virus

By Marie Pace, DNM SUFFERING FROM MYSTERY AILMENTS? The Epstein Barr Virus is one of the most controversial viruses I’ve ever studied and certainly the most misunderstood in the medical and holistic communities. We have noticed that 9 out of 10

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  ESTROGENS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON YOUR EMOTIONS AND OVERALL HEALTH First, let’s ensure you understand that natural estrogens created by our Creator DO NOT CAUSE CANCER. They might feed cancer that is already present. Key word is: MIGHT. When

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Estrogen Burden in Men & Women

  Are you a woman who has breast cancer worries? Are you a man who has prostate issues, hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, lower Testosterone, etc.? Both situations are caused by your 3 estrogen hormones being high and/or out of

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Estrogen Dominance Syndrome

In The Beginning… A young girl is born (we will call her: Judy). Maybe she is a difficult child. Fussy eater, poor sleep patterns, lots of colds. She loves eating chicken and craves chocolate. Maybe she’s overweight…. Just never seems

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Feeling Anxious?

Are the kids or your spouse driving you crazy? Do you worry about what’s going to happen in the future? Like ALL the time???? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is it next to impossible to shut off all the noise in

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FERTILITY CHECKLIST How to Get Pregnant Naturally By Marie Pace, DNM, HHP, CNC, Health Coach You’ve most likely been the medical route, maybe even spent THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS at fertility clinics and still no baby. The mental, physical, and emotional

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4 KEY THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT FIBROMYALGIA Many of our clients come in to see me after their internist or rheumatologist diagnosed them with FIBROMYALGIA. Sadly the client has either been given drugs to numb their pains or psychoactive drugs

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Food Allergies & Sensitivities

MYSTERY symptoms and FOOD Allergies It seems that a vast majority of people suffer from the same group of symptoms: headaches, insomnia, stomach problems (nausea, bloating, digestive issues, gas, rumbling, loose stools, constipation), skin issues (eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes), and fatigue. Is

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GOUT! My Big Toe is on FIRE!

Help! My big toe is on fire! Natural solutions for GOUT Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates described gout as a “disease of kings,” primarily because it was the wealthy who could afford the rich foods which seemed to precipitate gouty

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Hair Loss

  Top 7 Reasons for Hair Loss Did you know that by age 50 – about half of all men and women will experience hair loss? The majority of age-related hair loss is genetic, but even identical twins can have

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Hashimoto’s Solutions

View Post By Dr. Marie Pace, DNM, CNC, HHP In October of 2004 I received a call from my dad. My mother’s hip broke; she had fallen and was in the hospital not doing well. Mom and Dad lived in

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Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, etc.

Heart disease is the NUMBER 1 killer in women. It causes 1 in 3 women’s deaths each year, killing approximately one woman every minute. The symptoms of heart disease can be very different in women vs. men and are often

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Heart Palpitations & Fluttering

Heart Palpitations & Fluttering So there you are…. sitting in bed trying to go to sleep and your heart is pounding & or fluttering. Your mind starts to race, which of course makes the pounding and fluttering worse. You sit

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Hormone Imbalances

You’re NOT Losing Your Mind… You ARE Losing Your Hormones! By Marie Pace, DNM 80+ WARNING Signs Your Hormones are out of Balance Hormones are vital to your life… They help determine how you feel, think, digest foods, poop, smell, taste,

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Your Thyroid Gland IS NOT The Cause Of Your Disorder! In just about every case of hyperthyroidism, especially Graves’ Disease, the malfunctioning thyroid gland isn’t the actual cause of the disorder, but is instead an end result. In other words,

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Hysterectomies & Tubal Ligations

    What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You Suzanne came to our offices looking for assistance with her constant fatigue, chronic neck and back pain, acne that just wouldn’t clear up accompanied by non-stop anxiety. She was 36 years old.

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Insulin Resistance

Are you suffering from any of the following? PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome High blood sugar or vacillating glucose levels Intestinal bloating Diagnosis of Diabetes Type 2 Sleepiness, especially after meals and Brain Fog Weight gain, fat storage, and difficulty losing

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Menopause – Perimenopause – Premenopause

 Your body is seemingly revolting against you. Gaining weight, no matter how much you “diet” or exercise. Hot flashing, sleepless nights, depression, anxiety, mood shifts from hell, brain fog off the charts, hair loss, migraines, bloating, and fatigue… all you

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MTHFR – Is This The Missing Link?

  What is MTHFR? In 2003, a genetic study called the Human Genome Project was completed. They discovered that a seemingly important gene towards your health and well-being, called the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), was defective (actually they are “variants” not “mutations”) in a

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Sandy (age 51) was worried that as she got older she was going to end up like her mother – bent over, fragile, weak and breaking bones easily. At her next appointment with her OBGYN he ordered a bone density

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PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  PCOS impacts your ovaries… that’s why it’s called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. But it’s much more than just your ovaries that are involved! It affects everything physically and mentally in YOU! Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common ovarian disease,

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We are taught that progesterone is the main hormone released at ovulation by the ovaries and rises steeply during the luteal phase of a woman’s “cycle” and then it goes back down again if there is no fertilized egg to

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Soy or Not to Soy

SOY OR NOT TO SOY The great debate… People seem to be either for soy, or against soy. And people seem to have some very strong opinions. So we spent some time analyzing the science and investigated further to find

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Thyroid Function & Testing

    If you’re having trouble losing weight, feeling low on energy and stamina, have a goiter, have aches and pains (especially in the hands, feet, shoulders and neck areas), vacillating between hot and cold all day, having night sweats

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Urinary Tract Symptoms

URINARY TRACT Symptoms Bothering You?   If you experience any type of pelvic pain, or vulvar discomforts, or chronic UTI’s…. getting a proper diagnosis is never as cut-and-dried as learning, say, that you have high blood pressure. What health practitioners

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Vitamin / Mineral Deficiencies

VITAMIN / Mineral DEFICIENCIES B 12 DEFICIENCY Symptoms of B12 deficiency often go undiagnosed. This is largely because there are a variety of symptoms and very often they can be mistaken for something else. For example, many of the early

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Weight Loss Done RIGHT

Confused About How To Lose Weight? Here are 6 Things You MUST prioritize 1. Calorie Deficit – you must consume fewer calories than your body burns! To calculate, do this: multiply goal bodyweight X 12 (example 150lbs X12 = 1,800

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What to Expect

WE HELP YOU TO CONNECT THE DOTS! Well done on choosing to “go natural” in handling your health problems. I want to ensure that you understand how this works and what to expect. Most of our clients have been to

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