Do you worry about what’s going to happen in the future? Like ALL the time???? Is it next to impossible to shut off all the noise in your head? Does your constant worry cause you to be even more worried? Does it interfere with your sleep? Or your life in general? Do you expect the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern? Maybe you have the “super power” of being able to “jump to the worst conclusion in a single bound!”
I see clients on a daily basis who are experiencing some degree of anxiety. They’re concerned about their stressful job, retirement, finances, and/or relationships. Maybe they’re concerned about what “might happen” in the future.
The symptoms of anxiety are REAL… and they can be DEBILITATING. Anxiety can very quickly escalate into a full-blown panic attack: shaking, sweating, hyperventilating, and having difficulty breathing. When you’re experiencing a panic attack, it can feel like you’re dying or losing your mind. Your vision can become blurred, almost feeling like you’re disconnected from your body.
The two main symptoms of general anxiety are – irrational/excessive FEAR and WORRY.
Those are then followed by any number of the following:
• Feelings of apprehension or dread
• Anticipating the worst
• Irritability
• Brain fog
• Pounding heart
• Sweating
• Dizziness
• Frequent urination or diarrhea
• Tremors and twitches
• Muscle tension – aches and pains
• Headaches and migraines
• Stomach distress (constipation, diarrhea, nausea, etc.)
• Fatigue
• Insomnia
• Surge of overwhelming panic
• Feeling of losing control or going crazy
• Heart palpitations or chest pain
• Feeling like you’re going to pass out
• Trouble breathing or choking sensation
• Hot flashes or chills
• Weak legs (feeling like Jell-O)
• Blurred vision
• Feeling detached or unreal
That’s a ton of scary symptoms. Because of the number of physical symptoms, anxiety sufferers often mistake their anxiety for heart attacks, strokes, intestinal disorders, etc. They may visit many doctors and make numerous trips to the hospital before their anxiety is discovered. It can be hard to admit that all your physical symptoms are coming from your emotions.
Please know that you’re NOT making them all up in your head… But what you may not know is that your emotions and thoughts are so darn strong that they can actually alter your body!
I’ve even seen people that have anxiety attacks in their sleep! They might wake up out of breath, shaking, numb, heart-pounding and sweating. They assume they are having a heart attack or stroke. They might even rush to the ER and end up being told they are fine. Which of course just adds to the confusion and frustration and creates even MORE anxiety!
Solution? Try our MOOD product…
Relaxation without sedation or drugs. Doctor Recommended. And supports a healthy emotional state
100 vegetarian capsules per bottle
Adults – Usual dosage: 1 up to 8 caps daily; (may be taken on an empty stomach)
Children – 1 up to 4 per day (can open the capsule and put in cold food or drink with little to no taste)
I personally formulated MOOD to alleviate anxiety after going through personal STRESS, trauma & loss a number of years ago.
The MAGIC is this particular recipe of ingredients!
We only use a specific blend of 4 synergistically proven natural products with no junk fillers, no rice, no crap!
The MOOD supplement provides complementary nutrients to support normal mood function. GABA, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, helps maintain normal brain function and exerts a calming influence. I added in L-Theanine, a known relaxing agent that is completely natural.
Also included is the most active form of vitamin B6 called “P5P” along with magnesium citrate. Because P5P and magnesium work so effectively at such a basic level in the body, the uses for these two powerful and versatile nutrients are endless. In fact, it is hard for me to think of any health concern that would NOT benefit from P5P and magnesium.
These four nutrients can be used by anyone to help alleviate anxiety, stress and insomnia. What do these 4 nutrients individually do? Let’s take a look….
GABA is a naturally occurring substance in the brain known as an amino acid. Benefits include:
1. Reduces anxiety
2. Reduces depression
3. Helps with weight loss
4. Improves ability to fall asleep and stay asleep 5. Improves mental focus
6. Reduces stress response in the brain
7. Non-addictive
8. Improves insulin production
9. Assists with PMS symptoms
10. Supports overall hormonal health
L-Theanine is a potent water-soluble amino acid that’s primarily found in green teas. Benefits include:
1. Boosts the immune system 2. Protects brain cells
3. Promotes cognitive function 4. Reduces stroke impact
5. Reduces anxiety
6. Improves sleep
7. Supports the liver
8. Helps to balance fat and muscle 9. Improves ADD & ADHD symptoms 10. Increases GABA in the brain
B6 in the active form of P5P (Pyridoxal-5-phosphate) is the water-soluble active form of vitamin B6 that is beneficial for:
1. Inflammatory conditions & supports brain function 2. Improves IBS, Crohn’s and Colitis
3. Is necessary for optimal cognitive function
4. Helps to improve sleep
5. Decreases risk of cancers in the body
6. Is required for normal immune function
7. Improves neurological issues (ticks, epilepsy, tremors, seizures, etc) 8. Helps to prevent and reduce anxiety and panic attacks
9. Works well with magnesium
10. Helps to reduce neuropathy
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the human body. It is essential to all living cells and vital for numerous physiological functions. Benefits of magnesium citrate include:
1. Improves anxiety, irritability, nervousness
2. Helps improve sleep
3. Improves depression
4. Is essential for balancing hormones
5. Headache relief
6. Supports the adrenal glands 7. Prevents weak bones
8. Improves muscle tension
9. Supports heart health
10. Improves energy
What happens when you blend the two most important ingredients (Gaba and L-Theanine) together? They become a natural alternative to Xanax!
Here’s a bit more data….
L-theanine is a potent amino acid that’s primarily found in teas made from the Camellia sinensis plant. L-theanine acts as a relaxing agent or anxiolytic without sedative effects or any of the negative side effects of Xanax. Not only does L- Theanine cross the blood brain barrier to increase alertness and stimulate neurons and dopamine production but it also strengthens the immune system, and may have a very high impact on overall heart health. L-theanine works somewhat similarly to Xanax by interacting with brain receptors and increasing dopamine, GABA, and glycine levels in various areas of the brain.
This in turn calms the central nervous system, produces a sense of calm and also reduces the perception of stress. L-theanine has also shown to promote increased alpha-waves in the brain which signify an alert but relaxed brain. An Australian study in 2004 used 16 volunteers and compared 200mg of theanine to 1mg of Xanax. Subjects were given either theanine, Xanax or a placebo during either a resting task (baseline) or a task that provoked anxiety. Theanine worked better than Xanax to induce relaxation during the resting task.
Four different animal studies indicated that Theanine produces dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone that produces a sense of well being; it is released during pleasurable activities such as sex or eating. In 2004, a study was conducted by Harvard medical school that indicates that Theanine acts as an immune booster and that it increases the body’s resistance to colds and flu.
GABA is a naturally occurring substance in the brain known as an amino acid. This amino acid is used by the brain as a neurotransmitter. That simply means a brain chemical that is used for the brain to send messages and signals between its various regions.
GABA in particular is linked to the healthy and normal functioning of the central nervous system. Anxiety and sleep are two conditions directly affected by central nervous system functioning and many people have difficulties with them. Many people could experience far more restful and anxiety-free lifestyles if they were able to increase their GABA levels. Gamma-amino butyric acid is also called GABA is an amino acid — a major neurotransmitter, widely distributed throughout the brain which acts like a natural tranquilizer by slowing down brain signals, keeping you calm. It can also help to lower blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscle.
GABA is the most important anti-anxiety neurotransmitter in the brain. Low levels of Gaba in the brain is associated with several neurological disorders brought on by anxiety, such as depression, irritability, panic attacks and insomnia. GABA induces relaxation and enhances sleep. It is also used to treat and prevent epilepsy.
Legal: The information provided is not intended as a means of diagnosis or treating illness or as a replacement for any medicine or advice from a competent physician. Individuals having serious health problems should consult a competent licensed physician specializing in their condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. We assume no responsibility for anyone choosing to self-administer any suggestions in this publication; they do so on their own determinism. The information in this publication is for educational purposes only.
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