Emotion + Progesterone cream

Our exclusive formulation for natural bio-identical PROGESTERONE  hormone cream 1000mg per oz. 3 ounces total


Emotion + Progesterone cream


Our exclusive formulation for natural bio-identical PROGESTERONE hormone cream

Our NEW EMOTION+ is a higher dose progesterone cream for those women who need extra support; 1000 mg per ounce

All natural ingredients, water based, no toxins… Use 1/16 tsp to 1/2 tsp per dose up to 2+ times per day as needed. (1/4 tsp = 40mg)

We use only the safest ingredients in our EMOTION TM progesterone cream and DO NOT use unnecessary herbs nor toxic chemicals!

1/4tsp = 40mg of natural progesterone

How to test to determine if you NEED Progesterone?

The most accurate way to determine your need for progesterone is to test accurately with a SALIVA HORMONE TEST!

Progesterone (natural or synthetic)?

Progesterone is a precursor for other hormones. This means that the body uses progesterone to create other hormones, such as estrogen, testosterone and the adrenal corticosteroids. This is an extremely important function, one that synthetic progestins (i.e. Provera or medroxyprogesterone) can’t achieve. Synthetic progestins can interfere with the body’s production of natural progesterone, thus reducing its level.

Progesterone is primarily made in the ovaries, however, a small amount is also produced in the adrenal glands. In pregnancy, progesterone is also made by the placenta. The word “Progesterone” originates from Latin. “Pro” means “for,” and “Gesterone” means “gestation.” Progesterone tends to have a relaxing effect, easing stress and improving sleep.

Child-bearing women who have low levels of Progesterone have more miscarriages and uterine fibroid tumors. One of the roles of Progesterone is thickening the endometrial lining to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. If this doesn’t occur due to low levels of Progesterone, or if levels don’t rise after implantation of the egg, then pregnancy can’t be sustained.

As women transition from their child-bearing years towards menopause, they go through a period of perimenopause. It is during this time that Progesterone and other hormone levels begin to wane. This is one of the reasons that women can start to have irregular or heavy periods, and why they may start to have difficulty with sleep. Replacing lost progesterone with bioidentical progesterone can ease and even eliminate those symptoms.

A natural bio-identical progesterone can benefit you in many ways:

  • Helps to prevent overgrowth of certain types of cells, which can help protect against some cancers including those of the breast or the uterus
  • Helps to prevent overgrowth of cells of the endometrial lining and prevent endometriosis from forming
  • Helps prevent fibrocystic disease and ovarian cysts
  • Helps with symptoms of PMS
  • Increases ability to handle stress
  • Helps the metabolism by contributing to the use of fat for energy
  • Assists in preventing plaque from forming on arterial walls
  • Helps to lower triglycerides
  • Essential for bone growth
  • Assists in the proper function of the thyroid gland
  • Can help to slow down the aging process
  • Improves insomnia
  • Improves libido
  • Reduces or eliminates migraines
  • Reduces inflammation and joint pain
  • Regulate menstrual cycles
  • Reduce hot flashes
  • Reduce weight gain
  • Eases anxiety
  • Relieves nerve pain
  • Promotes better memory

There is evidence that, when applied to the breasts, bio-identical progesterone may offer protection against estrogen stimulated cell proliferation or hyperplasia which can lead to cancer.

Commonly Asked Questions About Natural Progesterone

What is the difference between natural and synthetic progesterone?

Progesterone was first crystallized in 1934, and is available from plant sources. “Natural” micronized progesterone (also termed USP Progesterone) refers to a single molecular structure that is “bio-identical”. Thus it is an exact chemical duplicate of the progesterone women produce in their ovaries. Synthetic “ progestogens ” or “progestins” mimic the action of the progesterone closely enough to bind to progesterone receptor sites, however the body does not respond to them in the same way. Thus, synthetic progestins are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Pregnancy requires progesterone. Synthetic progestins will not increase the serum or salivary levels of progesterone.

Studies have shown that synthetic progestogen actually reduces the level of progesterone in the blood stream by blocking the process of progesterone production. In contrast, research studies show that topical (skin) applications of natural progesterone may increase salivary and serum levels of progesterone. Natural progesterone can be administered through topical applications which allow it to naturally enter the bloodstream.

Are there side effects with natural progesterone?

“ Natural” progesterone combines with progesterone receptor sites throughout the body and causes biological effects without many of the undesirable effects that are seen with the synthetic forms (medroxyprogesterone). There are no long- term adverse effects noted for supplemental progesterone in amounts that replicate physiological levels of progesterone in the body. The key is in using the correct amounts and monitoring the use monthly or bi-monthly.

How to test to determine if you NEED Progesterone?

The most accurate way to determine your need for progesterone is to test accurately with a SALIVA HORMONE TEST!

Do I need progesterone if I have had my uterus removed?

If the intent of using progesterone is merely to slough off endometrial tissue, then progesterone would not be necessary. But progesterone is needed by the body to balance estrogen’s effect on the breast and other body sites and to prevent ESTROGEN DOMINANCE, a term coined by Dr. John Lee, so perhaps it should be considered. A recent study conducted by Mayo Clinic researchers, determined that there were impressive and significant improvements in the quality of life issues such as hot flashes, menstrual problems, sexual function, physical complaints, anxiety and depression with the use of natural progesterone. These are important issues for women with and without a uterus since unopposed estrogen, due to insufficient levels of progesterone, can lead to a variety of health problems including breast and ovarian cancer, uterine fibroids and fibrocystic breast disease.

What is the difference between wild yam and progesterone?

Wild yam(Dioscorea barbasco)has been used historically in herbal medicine for women’s health. Some of the actions of wild yam include smooth muscle relaxation and a mild diuretic effect. The human body cannot convert diosgenin, the active ingredient in wild yams, into progesterone.

This can only be accomplished in a laboratory setting. The body may absorb wild yam extract through the skin, which may have some effect on menopausal symptoms, however research on both oral and topical applications of wild yam extract have demonstrated no change in progesterone levels in the body!

How to test to determine if you NEED Progesterone?

The most accurate way to determine your need for progesterone is to test accurately with a SALIVA HORMONE TEST!

Does progesterone help raise estrogen levels?

Progesterone seems to work at various stages and at various levels. These changes occur for the majority of women in the first 10 days, 6-8 weeks, then there is a change at 4 months, another at 7 months, a further change around 12 months and finally another roughly at 18 months, based on the individual and her specific condition. If you are not aware of these stages, you may misinterpret the signs as progesterone losing its effect, when in actual fact it can represent the opposite! Because we are reintroducing progesterone back into the body and thereby sensitizing and stimulating the estrogen receptor sites in the body, there are the immediate, and long term benefits and side effects (estrogen dominance wake-up crisis!). From observation, we have found the immediate benefits which generally occur within the first 10 days of usage range from instant calming, clearer thinking, feeling more grounded, able to cope with stress better, reduction or elimination of headaches, bettered sleep, less PMS type symptoms and less breast tenderness.

On the other side of the coin, as a consequence of bringing progesterone back into the body and waking up estrogen receptor sites, women can actually go through a bit of a roller-coaster of symptoms that can be confusing and uncomfortable if they don’t understand what is happening. It is known that progesterone and estrogen, like many of the hormones in the body, work synergistically. The presence of progesterone sensitizes estrogen receptors in the body, making circulating estrogen levels work better without changing the actual levels of estrogen. Progesterone performs this role with other hormones as well. Since a woman’s body has the ability to produce some estrogens after menopause, many women find that supplementation of progesterone is sufficient for management of their symptoms. In women who are very thin, who have had hysterectomies at a younger age, or who have certain risk factors, like high cholesterol or heightened bone loss, some form of estrogen or phytoestrogens may be necessary to completely fulfill their bodies’ needs.

Keep in mind that the balance of the different hormones is important and should be tailored specifically to the individual.

What is natural progesterone’s role in PMS?

Several different types of PMS have been recognized. Women who suffer from certain kinds of PMS may have a relative excess of estrogen, caused by either a low progesterone level or too much estrogen in relation to progesterone. This condition is often called “estrogen dominance”. Common symptoms of estrogen dominance include breast tenderness, bloating, headache, irritability and mood swings. If a women’s PMS is a result of excess estrogen or insufficient progesterone, then supplementation with progesterone during the second half of her cycle (from the time of ovulation until menses) may help reduce PMS symptoms.

Will using natural progesterone with oral birth control pills alter their effectiveness?

Using natural progesterone should not alter the effectiveness of oral birth control pills provided that the oral birth control pills are taken as prescribed. Birth control pills may be “progestin only” pills (synthetic progestins), or a combination of progestins and estrogen. Adding supplemental progesterone will only increase the progestational effect in the body.

Does progesterone affect hair loss in women?

When progesterone levels fall as a result of ovarian follicle failure (lack of ovulation), the body responds by increasing its production of the adrenal cortical steroid, androstenedione, an alternative precursor for the production of other adrenal cortical hormones. Androstenedione produces some androgenic (male-like) properties, in this case, male pattern hair loss. When progesterone levels are raised by progesterone supplementation (oral or topical), the androstenedione level will gradually fall, and normal hair growth will eventually resume. Since hair growth is a slow process, it may take four to six months for the effects to become apparent.

What is progesterone’s role in preventing breast cancer?

The actual causes of breast cancer are still largely unknown, but most authorities agree that estrogen is, at least, a promoter of breast cancer. In industrialized countries, progesterone deficiency and estrogen dominance among women in their mid-thirties has become epidemic. Dr. David Zava, a noted breast cancer researcher and biochemist, has stated that “nearly every risk factor for breast cancer is linked, either directly or indirectly, to an increase in the level of unopposed estrogen or estrogen receptor activity”. To help prevent breast cancer, it is suggested that one adopts a plant- based diet in order to avoid xenoestrogens in red meat and dairy foods, and to supplement the body with natural progesterone.

Synthetic progestins should be avoided since they may increase breast cancer risk. However, there is strong evidence that natural progesterone protects against breast cancer. There are a number of studies in the medical literature that associate a deficiency of progesterone with an increased risk of breast cancer. There are several interesting medical studies showing that young women who undergo mastectomies for breast cancer have a much better survival rate and recurrence-free prognosis when the surgery is performed during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. This is the time of the month when the body produces the most progesterone. Because of the potential for saving lives and preventing recurrences, this area of research should be vigorously pursued. The restoration of natural hormonal balance in the body is often missing from conventional HRT.

Does progesterone help with nerve pain?

If your reproductive hormones — like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone — are out of balance, you might also experience neuropathic symptoms. This hormone-related neuropathy gets more common as you get older.  (PROG) is promising as an important protective agent against various injuries to the nervous system. IN a number of studies Progesterone reduced the abnormal electrophysiological changes in peripheral nerves. Progesterone may have a therapeutic effect in clinical management of neuropathic pain. Progesterone is emerging as an important protective agent against various injuries to the nervous system. Neuroprotective and remyelinating effects have been documented for this neurosteroid, which is synthesized by, and acts on, the central and peripheral nervous systems. Neuropathic pain is a severe, persistent condition that is generally resistant to treatment and poses major personal, social, and economic burdens. (PMID: 21559355)

I’m in Menopause. Do I still need progesterone, I thought all I needed was estrogen?

For all the reasons I’ve mentioned above you STILL need all your hormones for the rest of your life. Now that doesn’t mean you need to supplement the rest of your life… I’ve seen a few clients whose bodies seemed to have enough after 70 or 80 years old but the majority do need supplementation forever. Remember…. You have more than one organ or gland producing progesterone… brain, nerve cells, adrenal glands, ovaries, etc.

Bottom line is if you’re still alive hormones are necessary to do their jobs. If you take them away or allow them to crash then their jobs are not being done.

The key with progesterone in menopause especially is to keep it well balanced and in good ratio with estradiol. I’ve literally never seen any medical doctor in our area put attention on that. But it’s a BIG DEAL. Most doctors don’t know HOW to figure the balance between the two hormones because the lab reports them in different ways… the progesterone is being measured in nanograms per mil and the estrogen (estradiol) is in picograms at 1000X lower! So you have to do a bit of math to figure it out.

Using progesterone after menopause, as stated above, is pretty essential. But how much?

Medical doctors use high dose of 100-200mg or higher of an FDA approved Prometrium which IS bio-identical in its structure. (which is roughly equivalent to 20-40mg topically applied). The good news for many women is it works fine if used properly. For others it has horrible side effects (breast tenderness/pain, worsening depression, fatigue, weight gain etc. all incorrectly attribute to the estrogen that they are also given!) But darn it… they sleep better so they hate giving it up. In fact that’s why many doctors suggest taking high doses… to use it as a sleep aid.

So exactly what is Prometrium? It’s a form of bio-identical progesterone suspended in peanut oil, and contains D&C yellow No. 10, FD&C Red No. 40, FD&C yellow no. 6. Whew! That’s a lot of non bio-identical ingredients. The generic form is just as bad.

This is why we always suggest a natural bio-identical cream and use in the lowest amount needed.

We might also suggest using progesterone in a cycling pattern (2 weeks on 2 weeks off) kind of like your body did when it was younger. We are in effect mimicking Mother Nature. If you use a very high dose of progesterone in this manner you might have some uterine lining shedding, just as you did when you were younger. We do try to keep the dose down so this doesn’t happen, especially if the woman we are working with does not wish to continue monthly bleeding throughout her post-menopausal years.

Typically we would suggest a dose of 5mg-40mg topically applied daily for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Some women still state they feel fine on static dosing. It is a preference and we pay attention to what you need and want. We will do our best to educate you on all the reasons for and against this method.


How to test to determine if you NEED Progesterone?

The most accurate way to determine your need for progesterone is to test accurately with a SALIVA HORMONE TEST!


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