Well done on choosing to “go natural” in handling your health problems. I want to ensure that you understand how this works and what to expect. Most of our clients have been to numerous medical doctors and still have the same health issues that just never seem to resolve. That is because no one listened to them and really took the time to dig into their health issues. That’s where we come in… we educate you to balance your hormones, remove toxins in your gut, and monitor you to ensure you are progressing as you need and want to with your health! Our services are very unique and unlike any other natural health provider in Louisiana. We are the bridge between a sterile medical doctor’s office and just winging it at the health food store. As holistic consultants, we become your health advocate BY CONNECTING THE DOTS and helping you to coordinate standard medical care with correct holistic handlings. Each client is very important to us and we take a great deal of time with every person we work with to educate & help you create a personalized program of diet, hormones, and supplementation.
Bottom line… no matter if you’re a mom with 6 kids, a husband, an infertile couple, an executive who is burned out, a menopausal or hormonal mess, or an older individual needing assistance, no matter your age, sex, color or creed… we are here to LISTEN TO YOU! and help you finally feel your best and get your life & health going in the right direction.
When you consult a Doctor of Naturopathic Ministries/Holistic Health Consultant for counsel, you will find a person committed to the holistic approach to health. In our office, we offer you traditional naturopathic ministerial services. We strongly believe neither should infringe on the other and that all “healing” practitioners (traditional or medical naturopath or standard medical, etc.) should complement each other and coordinate with each other. We also strongly believe in working closely with your primary STANDARD medical doctor(s) to assist you in reaching full health! Many times a Traditional Naturopath counselor/minister in doing personalized evaluative procedures, may unearth causes that “standard” medicine has overlooked. An ethical Traditional Naturopath would work in conjunction with you and your medical doctor to help you truly achieve good health. A traditional Naturopathic “doctor”/consultant would also understand that there can be many unsafe interactions between pharmaceutical drugs and natural substances such as herbs and vitamins and work with you to alleviate that from happening. Many times natural substances can be found that can take the place of some pharmaceutical drugs if the client wishes to do so. The key is cooperation and learning with all involved to assist YOU to heal.
“Naturopathy is a philosophy which encompasses a view of life, a model for living a full life. The word naturopathy is a Latin-Greek hybrid which can be defined as ‘being close to or benefiting from nature.’” — Stewart Mitchell, Naturopathy: Understanding the Healing Power of Nature
A traditional, classical naturopathic minister specializes in wellness and education. That is to say, teaching clients how applying natural lifestyle approaches can act to facilitate the body’s and spirit’s own natural healing and health building potentials. The traditional naturopath does not undertake to “diagnose” or “treat diseases,” but rather recognizes that the majority of sub-health conditions are cumulative lifestyle effects and that the underlying cause of what we call “disease” (or, “dis-ease”) is improper diet, unhealthy habits, spiritual trauma and environmental factors which cause biological imbalances leading to a weakening of the bodies’ natural defenses and subsequent breakdown in health. We truly view you as a WHOLE … not just a number of individual symptoms that need to be addressed.
Monitoring: If the medical doctor gives a person a particular “prescription” based on their test results and then doesn’t MONITOR the person… he/she just might be a mess 30 or 60 days later. Hormones & body chemistry are constantly shifting and changing (just like Louisiana weather!).
That’s where we come in … to help you monitor the results and educate you so you can make the changes necessary by either working with us alongside a good medical doctor or through our office only. If we have also referred you to a local doctor, you can count on us to stay coordinated (with your help!). It may take correct medical along with correct holistic to truly help you get back to health.
We like to see each client every 30 days at the beginning to take an inventory of symptoms as they change and help you make adjustments. We make sure that you have email access to our office for questions, concerns, and help at any time. It may take a lot of tweaking to help you reach a balance. Depending on many factors: diet, toxins (bacteria, virus, yeast, etc), lifestyle, etc. hormones can and will change. It takes some work to “get it right” and even then, this is something you will constantly need to pay attention to as you age.
Results: There is no magic pill. And no doctor can ever know exactly how your body will respond to any supplement, hormone or medication. You may show on a test to need a particular substance but your body may not be able to handle everything at once… especially if you’ve been imbalanced for a long time. We will do the best we can based on test results and symptoms to help you understand & manage this.
A note on diet…. If you continue to eat an unhealthy diet (ie. foods that create inflammation and acidity) drink alcohol in excess, skip meals… you’re going to have a hard time balancing anything in your body! The cleaner and more organic your diet is the easier it will go for you.
BOTTOM LINE: it takes communication and monitoring of changes as you progress toward a more healthy and balanced life. We are here to assist you. We are the BRIDGE between a sterile medical doctor’s office and winging it at the health food store! We’re here to help you FINALLY determine what is causing your ill health.
A little info on who I am…
Marie Pace, DNM, HHP, CNC Doctor of Naturopathic Ministries, Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Nutritional Counselor & Health Coach
• Board Certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner/Consultant and Certified Nutritional Counselor specializing in hormone & nutritional consulting by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
• Diplomat Member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants
• Member of the American Holistic Health Association
• Member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
• Author of 3 groundbreaking books on natural health: “DISCOVER HEALTH” & “Anxiety Solutions” & “WHAT’S HEALTH” endorsed by numerous medical doctors!
• Graduate of Trinity School of Natural Health and awarded a diploma as a “Doctor of Naturopathic Ministries”
* A STARCH SOLUTION Certified Graduate (through Dr. McDougall’s Health and Medical center)
* Biolayne Level 1 Nutritional Certification
* Ordained Non-Denominational Minister
* Note: Trinity School is accredited and recognized by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board, Inc. in Las Vegas, Nevada (www.anmab.org) & The American Association of Drugless Practitioners. The difference between a professional accreditation and a government accreditation: Professional accreditation is very important because it means that the accreditation board is made up of MD’S, ND’S, DO’S, DC’S and other professional practitioners. Government accreditation is deemed only if your government allows and gives you permission.
Holistic Counseling/COACHING and Testing FEES:
Your regular medical doctor is most likely NOT educated on the idea of “let’s dig till we get to the bottom of your body’s poor function”. Insurance companies also inhibit them and/or their state medical boards do not allow them the freedom to order all the testing that might be necessary to finally discover what is causing your ill health. That is where we come in with our services. All lab fees are to be paid in advance. Prices are subject to change due to individual lab’s discretion. All Charges are non-refundable.
Not all testing is done on every client.
At the initial consult/counseling session you and your holistic consultant will decide which tests, IF ANY, will be best for you.
Consults and Muscle Testing: Initial consult for any new client or returning client after 3 years is $199.00 — includes a full initial assessment and up to a 1-hour consult + free copy of my book WHAT’S HEALTH.
Follow-up consults and in-office muscle testing is $85 per 30 minutes, $170 for 1 hour, etc. We give a tremendous amount of service to our clients: answering email questions, texting, quick care calls, researching, etc. at no charge. It is imperative to us that you have easy access to our office and get answers as quickly as possible. We do the best that we can to accommodate everyone… your health and happiness are actually very important to us. If email questions are lengthy or too numerous we will request that you set up an in-office or phone consult.
If you request for us to do an evaluation (verbal or written) of acceptable labs on blood, saliva, hair or other testing from another practitioner’s office we do charge a fee accordingly. If our client wants us to suggest correct testing so that their medical doctor can run it… the fee is $25. This covers our administrative costs to request, handle, follow up, etc.
Saliva Hormone testing: Cost $180 – $490 +
(depending on number of hormones tested and how tests are done i.e. 1 or 2 kits). We utilize the most cutting edge lab which is FDA approved. They pool four small samples easily collected throughout the day… this gives an average of the values for Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone and/or DHEA. While these hormones do not have diurnal rhythms, their values fluctuate greatly throughout the day. Therefore, an average of these hormones is far more clinically relevant than a single AM value used by other labs. Cortisol is checked minimally AM & PM and it is highly suggested that we also test afternoon and early evening levels of this key stress hormone. Saliva measures the free bioavailable hormone levels in the body, while serum measures only the protein bound non-bioavailable hormone levels. Therefore, serum is a much less accurate measurement than that of saliva when assessing functional hormone levels. This is why we use saliva hormone testing instead of sending you to the lab to have blood drawn!
HTMA—Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Cost $245
Hair analysis is much more than a test for minerals. From a small sample of hair, you can learn about your metabolic rate, stage of stress, stomach/digestive issues, immune system, and adrenal and thyroid glandular activity and more. The test offers accurate information about carbohydrate tolerance, energy levels and tendencies for over 30 illnesses, often years before they manifest. You can also tell if you are eating enough protein, eating too many carbohydrates, and whether a vegetarian diet is working for you. This is also a vital test for heavy metals that can be contributing to many of your health issues: ADD, Breathing problems, Osteoporosis, Adrenal Fatigue, Headaches, Depression, arthritis, Stress, etc. Over 22 different mineral patterns are checked as well as heavy metals. This is the most vital test for correct calcium levels in the body for women concerned about osteoporosis. All children should do this test for ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, behavioral issues, etc.
FOOD allergy test for children and ADULTS: Cost is $429 for 192 foods: + Candida / Yeast
Helps determine if food reactions are contributing to physical or mental symptoms. Research and clinical studies suggest food allergies identified by IgG testing can be a major contributing factor in many chronic health conditions (IBS, SIBO, Etc.). IgG antibodies provide long term resistance to infections and have a much longer half life than the traditional IgE allergy. Symptoms may occur hours or days after the offending food has been eaten. The 192 foods tested in the IgG Food Allergy Test w/ Candida can identify problem food so it can be eliminated from the person’s diet. This elimination of IgG positive foods can improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, autism, AD(H)D, headaches, fatigue, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, SIBO, and epilepsy according to numerous clinical studies.
Organic Acids Test (OAT Test): Cost $499.00
**Simple urine sample first thing in the morning:
The Organic Acids Test (OAT) provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids. The cause of these high levels could include: oral antibiotic use, high sugar diets, immune deficiencies, and genetic factors. Intestinal disorders: SIBO, IBS, IBD, Etc. are noted by these labs as well. The OAT test is also the ONLY accurate test available for determining B vitamin status in the body (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), Vitamin C, COQ10, etc.
The most complete stool test available! Our 2 day Comprehensive Stool Analysis test measures: Digestion and absorption of nutrients (Pancreatic Elastase, Muscle Fibers, and Vegetable Fibers); Elimination efficiency of undigested food residues and toxins; Assessment of the gut microbiome, measuring levels of healthy bacterial flora versus potentially pathogenic bacteria species, yeast, and parasites; Culture and sensitivities of pathogenic yeast and bacteria; Infectious pathogens (EIA evaluation for Campylobacter, Enterohemorrhagic E. coli cytotoxin, Giardia lamblia, and Cryptosporidium); Indices and markers of intestinal immune function (Secretory IgA); Indices and markers of inflammation (Calprotectin, Lactoferrin, and Lysozyme); Indices and markers of intestinal physiology and of intestinal health (Presence of RBC, WBC, Mucus, Occult Blood, Fecal pH, and Short Chain Fatty Acids)
MYCO TOX Profile – MOLD TESTING: Cost $540__
The MycoTOX Profile urine-based assay assesses levels of 11 different mycotoxins and 41 species of mold are measured. Mycotoxins, produced by certain mold species, are some of the most prevalent toxins and can come from many sources, including buildings, vehicles, and food. These compounds have been recognized as a growing global health concern due to their acute and chronic adverse health impacts. Mycotoxin exposure can be challenging to diagnose without proper testing due to vague and often varied symptoms. Although respiratory symptoms are common from exposure to water-damaged indoor environments, it is important to note that a typical patient presents with multiple symptoms which are often debilitating, including fatigue, neurocognitive symptoms, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, depression, irritability, gastrointestinal problems, tremors, balance disturbance, palpitations, vasculitis, angioedema, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Children exposed to indoor molds showed a statistically significant deficit of approximately 10 points. Additionally, it was shown in this study that longer exposure to indoor molds tripled the risk for low IQ scores defined as values below the 25th percentile. The development of new onset chemical sensitivity is also commonly seen after exposure and can have a severe impact on a person’s life. It is always important to identify and address abnormalities that are found at increased frequency in persons exposed to water-damaged building such as thyroid, immune dysfunction and autoimmune conditions. However, clinicians treating these conditions often see significant improvement with comprehensive treatment and detoxification. (CALL OUR OFFICE TO ORDER THIS TEST 337-989-0572)
*All prices subject to change
Cancellation/Reschedule Policy: We require a credit card on file when you make the appt. If you cancel your appointment with less than 3 full business days or do not show up for the consult, Optimum Solutions LLC. DBA That’s Health Consulting will charge $127.00 for the cancellation/no show. If you give us less than 3 business days, we are unable to fill your spot and this stops others from receiving service. If you are a NO-SHOW or cancel in less 3 business days more than once, you must pay in full in advance at time of scheduling. All payments / pre-payments are non-refundable. (Our business days are Monday thru Wednesday 7:30am-2pm / Thursday 7:30am-10am)
We do not offer advice on social media platforms. If you have a question AND ARE A CURRENT CLIENT, please contact the office 337-989-0572 and we will determine if an in office consult or simple text/email will suffice.
*All prices subject to change
We are asked frequently “Why don’t you accept insurance re-imbursement?”
There are three reasons why we don’t:
- Insurance companies do NOT typically cover “natural or holistic” services. This includes Medicare, Medicaid, and any regular insurance company.
- We work for YOU. If we accepted insurance payments, we’d be forced to work for the insurance company first, and you second. In our office, the client comes first!
- When you allow insurance to pay for your health care it puts your “provider” (doctor) in a precarious situation. They now have to send to the insurance company any and all of your medical records if the insurance company or government agency wants your “private” information and must do so with or without YOUR authorization or knowledge. In most instances your medical doctor won’t ever tell you it’s happened. We would NEVER agree to give out your personal information to any agency!
Therefore… We do not accept insurance for any services. Nor do we provide diagnosis codes for reimbursement. We are NOT a “medical” office and therefore do not provide those types of service.
Remember, the money you spend on a holistic practitioner’s services can be thought of as your real health insurance. Don’t let dependence on an insurance plan keep you from getting the help you need! If your car needed a tune up, whom would you ask to pay? Likewise, if you have recurrent or chronic health problems and are not happy with the care you are receiving in the current “medical” system, don’t limit your thinking to what your insurance company will cover.
One option to consider is increasing the deductible on your policy (keeping your coverage in the event of serious illness) and using your premium savings to cover the cost of preventive holistic healthcare. If you participate in a Health Savings Account (HSA), several alternative and complementary treatments are eligible covered expenses. For this list, visit, http://www.irs.gov/publications/p502/index.html.
You should also check out alternative sources of “insurance” such as a Health Share Ministries. Healthcare sharing ministries are faith-based non-profit organizations that pool members’ money to share medical expenses. Do your due diligence and find the plan that might work for you. To summarize the key benefits of these voluntary organizations of like-minded individuals that agrees to share medical bills between members:
- They offer protection from large medical expenses that are generally comparable to conventional health insurance
- The cost of membership is typically much less than conventional health insurance
- Members know that they aren’t supporting what they might consider immoral or reckless lifestyles or paying for objectionable services like abortion
Here are a few for you to GOOGLE:
Samaritan Ministries Christian Healthcare Ministries Liberty HealthShare Altrua Healthshare