The Virus Will Not Kill You!
But Your Lowered Immune System might…
Here’s the deal… we are all surrounded by bacteria and viruses on a daily basis. To be frightened of an exposure is ludicrous. You ARE going to be exposed. At some point you absolutely will be exposed… there is NO escaping it.
Now… if you continue to “shelter in place”… What is going to happen is this: YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WILL LOWER, LEAVING YOU AT THE MERCY OF ANY BACTERIA OR VIRUS THAT YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH. Now that your immune system is lowered… that bacteria or virus (or any parasite) can overtake your body and start literally eating you alive making you sick.
Your immune system is use to being exposed to everything… dirt, bacteria, parasites, yeasts, viruses… everything from worms to staphylococcus to strep. If you put yourself into a sterile environment all day every day or try to create a sterilized clean environment by sheltering and wearing masks over a long period of time… you lower your immune system… and it becomes weak…
It’s kind of like this… if you go to the gym and lift weights and eat right you’ll build muscles, right? And if you do this 3-5X every week you become stronger and stronger… now what happens if you stop going to the gym and stay home and do nothing? You lose your muscles and become weak!! Right?
Now if you add to that the fact of using tons of chemicals (or heck even essential oils) to sterilize your hands, your packages from the grocery, the handles of every door you touch… you are creating a fake environment that you can’t possibly keep up for the rest of your life… and your immune system becomes weaker… you literally are stopping your body from protecting itself. You see, your body has to have certain bacteria to live, protect and repair… if you stop yourself from getting that bacteria… you become weak and unprotected.
And those MASKS… really???? Did you know that if you wear the mask all day you are decreasing oxygen into and stressing your body further… which in turn lowers your immune system. Wearing a dirty mask, over and over again… throwing it in your purse, on your car seat, on your kitchen counter… only spreads whatever that mask came in contact with. The majority of people who did become infected with the Coronavirus were those that had been wearing masks! There has been no standard for masks… no exact protocol to clean or protect them. None. If masks really worked for the average person (not my medical doctor friends who use them correctly in the hospitals)… then why does the virus spread? Interestingly when states started to lift the ban those states has lower counts of the virus showing up.
Look… if you’re old, frail, already sick with immuno defiicent diseases… stay home. Sure…. But do what you can to build up your own immune system (eat plants, exercise, make sure your vitamin D3 levels are at the top of the range, balance your hormones, and so on…) If you’re obese and have cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, or your diabetic type 2… For god’s sake do something about reversing those issues!!!!!! I don’t mean to make you wrong for being sick… the fact of the matter is those are all lifestyle diseases that can be reversed with a change of your lifestyle… it’s up to you.
I mean, really… you’ve had over a full year to get your immune system in better shape… what exactly DID YOU DO??? wearing a mask, washing your hands, avoiding people… etc… did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to buid up your immune system. You STILL HAVE all the same health issues (maybe more now that you’re stressed) and you’ve done NOTHING to help yourself… except maybe sit in your home in utter fear of dying.
If you’re NOT old, frail and immune deficient… then wearing masks everywhere you go is just stupid. Wiping everything down that you touch (and by the way there is NO way in heck that you can really wipe everything down) is a waste of time. Putting yourself in a fake sterilized environment is going to guarantee when you come out of it you will get sick… That’s right… we will see a huge increase in people getting sick after the ban is lifted… all because they lowered their immune systems.
Come on people… wake up… I don’t care if there are conspiracy theories floating around… I don’t care where this “virus” was created… you and I are not necessarily going to change the fact that it is here.
Just like Epstein Barr virus and herpes… this virus will be with us most likely as long as we live… and just like Epstein Barr virus and herpes it plays havoc on the nervous system and immune system … so the answer is to build up your GOD given immune system so that it can fight this new onslaught naturally.
That is exactly what NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT in the main stream media (MSM). It’s NOT the virus that everyone should be concerned about… it’s the weakened immune systems worldwide.
What are the 5 main causes of a weakened immune system?
- Drugs – pharmaceutical & street
- Lack of Exercise
- Stress (emotional and physical)
- Poor diet (animal based diets do nothing to support a strong immune system)
- Imbalanced hormones: Vitamin D3, Cortisol, Progesterone, Estrogen, Testosterone, DHEA and thyroid hormones
Address each of those points by removing drugs or at the least lwoering the amount of medications you are taking, start exercising, remove assholes from your life that cause you stress, eat mainly plants and remove processed food and finally… balance your hormones naturally.
We have been very successful at helping our clients that have come into contact with this virus to either not be symptomatic or recover very, very quickly. Interestingly… not one single client of ours has had to be hospitalized … not one … and as far as we know no one has taken any drugs to handle this issue…
Further Reading:
Legal: The information provided is not intended as a means of diagnosis or treating illness or as a replacement for any medicine or advice from a competent physician. Individuals having serious health problems should consult a competent licensed physician specializing in their condition. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. We assume no responsibility for anyone choosing to self-administer any suggestions in this publication; they do so on their own determinism. The information in this publication is for educational purposes only.
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