How to Reverse/Heal: Obesity, Aches & Pains, Insulin Resistance – Autoimmune Diseases – Diabetes – IBS – UC – Crohn’s Disease – SIBO – Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue, Improve/Repair Skin Health, Lessen Anxiety & Depression, Increase Energy, Build Muscle, Improve Heart Health & Promote Hormonal Balance
Oh my God…. What & how am I supposed to eat? Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Plant-based, Intermittent fasting, Mediterranean, Whole 30, Atkins, Pritkin, Nutrisystem, Ideal Protein, Optavia…? I’m overwhelmed, and confused and just end up eating junk food! HELP!!!!!
As a holistic practitioner, I hear this DAILY from clients. Here’s the deal… in most of the above I see clients trying to follow a certain plan but continue to buy packaged / highly-processed foods and frequently eating out at restaurants.
- The FIRST thing everyone needs to do is CALM THE FRICK DOWN!
- The SECOND thing everyone needs to do is EAT REAL FOOD not packaged and heavily processed foods. Quit eating out at restaurants (Trust me, they are unhealthy & fattening!)
- The THIRD thing everyone needs to do is increase protein. Snack on protein with a tad of complex carbs. (Nuts and seeds are NOT a source of protein – they are fats! Don’t snack on those! In fact, if you want to lose weight: DON’T SNACK AT ALL!)
- The FOURTH thing everyone needs to do is REMOVE ADDED SUGARS from the diet. I mean ALL (you know… the sugar they add to the bacon and ham, the breads, the crackers, the ketchup, the mayonnaise, sodas, etc.). Sugar is necessary (without glucose you die!) but we get an overdose of it daily… Don’t be anal about this but note that if you’re eating “added” sugar food they are most likely heavily processed. That’s the key… stay away from heavily processed foods.
- The FIFTH thing you MUST do is remove heavily processed / refined foods and high starch foods (white rice, potatoes, crackers, bread, chips, cheese, frozen dinners, etc.)
- The SIXTH thing everyone needs to do is eat for what is happening in your body now?
By that I mean… are you dealing with a major illness (cancer or autoimmune issue) in your body? Are you in perimenopause or menopause or Andropause? Do you have PCOS or a high A1C? Are you INSULIN RESISTANT/Diabetic? Are you severely constipated or having IBS? Do you have true food allergies or sensitivities? Do you prefer veggies over animal or vice versa? Once that is sorted out THEN we can assist you in finding what works for you… all our options will be incorporating ONLY REAL FOOD.
Most clients that we see are severely lacking protein. They’re skipping breakfast or just eating toast and coffee! They are also complaining of 3 or more of the following: Hair loss, skin and nails brittle or soft, extreme fatigue, getting sick more often, anxiety, imbalanced hormones, swelling of ankles or feet, muscle loss or weakness, decreased bone density, weight loss or gain, anemia, mood changes and trouble thinking straight, cravings for salt or sugar… all are caused by lack of protein!
You can’t balance hormones, build muscle and control glucose without proper amounts of protein, complex carbs and fats in your body. I don’t care if you eat plant-based or animal based … I do care that you are getting enough protein to build muscle and bone, balance hormones and have the energy you need to live a productive healthy life.
If you’re concerned with weight, it really is a calories in/calories out /muscle growth issue. Eating mainly meat/fish/poultry/beans and veggies should make it easy to keep in a calorie deficit. It’s the hidden calories in breads, pastas, starchy veggies and sauces that can trip you up. So be attentive to what you eat. Invest in a scale and measure/weigh your food intake for the first 3 – 4 days so you can learn portion control! (Hint: most people eat way more calories than they think!)
- FIRST CHOOSE: PROTEIN (at least 30+g each meal; ideally more! Shoot for 1 g of protein per lb. of bodyweight): Eggs (pastured / organic / if you can tolerate); Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, quail); Ruminants (beef, buffalo, lamb, venison, lamb, etc.); Fish & Seafood (wild caught); Pork (100% pastured & organic); beans/legumes ; protein powders that are high quality. Essential amino acid supplement (Aminos are what our bodies absorb from the protein we eat, and taking them directly has been shown to be.***Up to 9x more effective*** than whole food protein at stimulating protein synthesis!)
Protein Examples: (all after cooked) : Chicken Breast 4oz = 30g protein / Ground beef 4oz = 33g protein / Ground Turkey 4 oz = 30g protein Shrimp 4.5oz = 31g protein / Pork 4 oz = 31g protein / Chickpeas 2 cups = 29g protein / Red beans 2 cups = 30g protein / Tofu 1.5 cups = 30g protein / 1 scoop EAA’s = approx. 30g protein
- THEN choose CARBOHYDRATES – non starchy (best) shoot for no more than 130g per day (43gm per meal) total : All Sprouts, Artichoke, Asparagus, Broccoli, Celery, Ginger, all leafy Greens, All lettuce, Cucumber, Brussels Sprouts, Onions, Garlic, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Radish, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Zucchini
CARBOHYRATES – Starchy/ keep to lunch and dinner in small amounts. (remove if insulin resistant or keep to a min): Winter squash, Beets, Parsnips, Sweet potato, Carrots, Turnips, Beans, Hummus, Buckwheat, Low sugar fruits (cantaloupe, kiwi, grapes, pineapple, lemon, lime, honeydew melon), All Berries,Brown rice, Corn, white potatoes (NOTE: remove all grains if dealing with yeast / fungal issues / insulin resistance)
- FATS : Best: Avocado, beef tallow, duck fat, Hazelnuts, Macadamia nuts, walnuts, olives, Extra virgin olive oil cold pressed, Coconut oil, MCT oil, Coconut butter, Coconut flakes *unsweetened, Coconut milk canned. Occasional/Limited: Almonds/Almond butter, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Pecans, Pistachios (these are polyunsaturated fats / PUFA ie not as healthy) Keep fats to a minimum per meal / think 1 “thumb full”!
NOTE: If you have an autoimmune disease you might need to remove nightshades from your diet (PMID: 37202602; PMID: 28858071; PMID:32309803) Following is the main list of foods to avoid….
- All potatoes (excluding sweet potatoes)
- All tomatoes
- Tomatillos
- Tamarillos
- Eggplant
- All bell peppers
- Jalapenos
- Habaneros
- Chipotle
- Cayenne
- Pepinos
- Poblano
- Serrano
- Pimentos
- Banana peppers
- All other peppers (excluding peppercorns)
- Goji berries (a.k.a. wolfberries)
- Ground cherries
- Ashwagandha
- Cocona
1 palm = 1 serving protein 1 Fist = Veggie serving &/or 1 Cupped hand = 1 Carb serving. 1 Thumb = 1 Fat
*Rule of thumb:
Meat is usually around 4-6 oz. to reach the minimum of 30g protein Fish/Seafood can be up to 7 oz.
WE strongly suggest downloading CARBONAPP BY DR. LAYNE NORTON to help you track (much better than myfitnesspal or any other app) and reading the book FOREVER STRONG by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
1+ scoop Equip Prime or PROMIX brand chocolate(or other flavor) protein powder
16 ounces ice cold water with ice cube
1-2 scoops of DAILY ELEMENTS microgreen powder
1.5 – 1tsp (2.5-5gm) creatine monohydrate
May open any supplements and add to water
Add all the above to a simple shaker bottle and drink; easy, fast way to boost your protein intake as “chocolate milk”
Breakfast ideas:
- 1.5 scoops of Equip or Promix brand Protein powder in cold water with 1 scoop of Daily elements + creatine 5g and eat 1/4c cauliflower or broccoli or carrots
- 4 ounces of turkey sautéed with avocado oil with 5 cherry tomatoes or small amount of broccoli
- 3-4 fried eggs + slice of GF toast + shot of Daily Elements (use code: MARIEPACE for 15% discount) with 1 scoop protein powder in cold water to drink (If you can tolerate eggs and wheat)
- Steel cut oatmeal with a little blueberries and scoop of protein powder added with a side drink of VITAL AMINOS for essential amino acids (protein)
SUPER Frozen Smoothie may adjust fruit to your liking
1 cup frozen strawberries or ½ cup frozen blueberries,
10+ oz cold water
1 to 2 scoops of plant based or animal based (not whey) protein powder (see below) shoot for 30 gr protein minimum per drink
1 – 2 scoops of DAILY ELEMENTS microgreen powder.
This gives you at least 25-30 gm protein with 7+ cups of dark greens and 1.5 cups of fruit (A perfect blend).
May add in:
½ to 1tsp (2.5-5gm) creatine monohydrate
- VITAL AMINOS 1 scoop daily in water (may do up to 3x daily (we carry in stock)
- Equip PRIME protein powder – No added chemicals, fillers, binding agents or artificial coloring or sweeteners / order online at https://www.equipfoods.com/
- PROMIX brand or Orgain SIMPLE plant based protein powders online
PRODUCTS (minimally processed):
- Kevin’s Meals (online or Costco / whole Foods) https://www.kevinsnaturalfoods.com/
- Jovial foods grain free pastas, Siete brand chips & tortillas (keep to a min.), Simple Mills seed crackers (most grocers carry all)
- ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS (EAA’S) and CREATINE (creapure) (we carry in office)
- Daily Elements – microgreen powder 1 to 2 scoops daily in smoothie Use this link below to order yours today. https://getdailyelements.com/thatshealth for 15% off 1st purchase use code: MARIEPACE
- WE strongly suggest downloading CARBONAPP BY DR. LAYNE NORTON to help you track (much better than myfitnesspal or any other app)
- Bedrock Bakers for breads
Looking to simplify your life when it comes to getting enough protein without extra calories?
By adding this ONE thing every day… (that’s been shown to work even better than protein)
…You can take the guesswork (and even some of the work) out of looking good, feeling young, and being strong. According to the ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition), essential amino acid (EAA) supplements have been shown to work even better than protein (yes, we’re talking even high-quality proteins like egg, chicken, beef, fish, milk, etc.) at stimulating muscle protein synthesis (MPS).
EAAs are what’s inside protein that builds muscle and healthy hair, skin, and nails.
In a nutshell, EAAs are the isolated, active components of protein. So, when you consume them, you’re getting the good stuff your body needs from protein, but in a concentrated form.
That’s how ONE supplement can have so many benefits:
+ Metabolism Support + Curbs Cravings + Energy + Muscle + Recovery + Strength + Whole Body Health + Emotional Stability + Improved Sleep + improve fatty liver
And when it comes to EAA supplements, Vital Aminos is in a league of its own:
+ Contains ALL 9 EAAs (& 3 BCAAs)
+ Ideal ratios that work and are proven by over 20 years of research.
+ Transparent formula that shows the exact amounts of each EAA given (i.e. not proprietary)
Your body requires this particular component of protein for muscle protein synthesis, i.e. the process that builds lean muscle in your body. Sure, you can get EAAs from your diet and you still need to consume whole food proteins containing all 9 EAAs… But adding an EAA supplement can take not only your gains to a new level, but also your energy levels and recovery. Great for recovery after surgery. Perfect for aging individuals.
That’s because these EAA supplements:
- Contain up to ***8x MORE EAAs*** than whole food protein sources, gram for gram.
- Are ***2-6x MORE EFFECTIVE*** at stimulating muscle protein synthesis than whole food protein sources.
Our MOMENTOUS Vital Aminos contains all 9 EAAs in science-backed ratios and is the result of over 20 years of clinical research. It’s also sugar-free, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and tastes amazing .
We are a society miseducated by the miseducated. Just eat REAL foods: plants & lean proteins.
Legumes are TYPICALLY not allowed on the AUTOIMMUNE/HORMONE DIET because of their high content of lectins and phytic acid. This can cause extreme inflammation in some people. Lectins can bind with almost any tissue in our bodies and wreak havoc. Grains contain lectins which can damage the gut lining, which increases inflammation and is a newly discovered feature of not only autoimmune disease but also insulin resistance and liver pathology. Lectins are “gluten’s sidekick” and “lectin overload” can aggravate a number of health problems, including inflammation in the gut. This is not an issue for everyone … if you feel fine eating beans and legumes, then by all means enjoy them. If they give you any digestive issues, avoid or limit them.
Why no DAIRY?
Unless you are lactose intolerant, have an allergy to milk and dairy products, or have been a devoted follower of The Paleo Diet®, most people don’t give a second thought about whether or not they should consume a food group that seems to be found nearly everywhere in the Western diet. Your favorite dairy foods may include ice cream, chocolate milk, cheese, fruit flavored yogurt, kefir or fancy imported cheeses. You may even think that you are doing your body a favor by eating these calcium rich foods. Nevertheless, the bottom line is this: we are the only species on the planet to consume another animal’s milk throughout our adult lives. Humans don’t have a nutritional requirement for the milk of another species, nor do any other mammals.
One of the most vocal opponents to milk drinking was a physician, Frank Oski M.D. (1932-1996) who served as the Department Chairman of Pediatrics at the State University of New York, Syracuse from 1972 until 1985 and as the Department Chairman of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University from 1985 until 1996. He was a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the author or co-author of about 300 academic papers and 20 books. A book he wrote in 1977 called Don’t Drink Your Milk, was decades ahead of its time. Here is a quote from this book which dovetails nicely with this article:
“The fact is: the drinking of cow milk has been linked to iron-deficiency anemia in infants and children; it has been named as the cause of cramps and diarrhea in much of the world’s population, and the cause of multiple forms of allergy as well; and the possibility has been raised that it may play a central role in the origins of atherosclerosis and heart attacks… In no mammalian species, except for the human (and the domestic cat), is milk consumption continued after the weaning period (the period of breast-feeding]. Calves thrive on cow milk. Cow milk is for calves.”
Milk is designed to make young animals grow rapidly and to prime their immune systems and prevent disease by allowing hormones and other substances in their mother’s milk to enter their bloodstreams. This is a brilliant evolutionary strategy to encourage survival for young suckling animals at the beginning of their lives, but is a formula for disaster when adult animals (us) consume a food intended only for the young of another species.
One of the telltale signs that there may be something just a little awry with milk drinking is that about 65% of all people on the planet can’t do it without experiencing gas, bloating and digestive distress. Maybe we should be listening to our bodies? Many of you may have these symptoms and already know why they occur after drinking milk or eating dairy products, but let me explain the basic concept for those who don’t know.
Milk is a mixture of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Most of the carbohydrates in milk occur in the form of a sugar called lactose which in turn is made up of two simple sugars: glucose and galactose. When we consume milk, ice cream and other dairy products rich in lactose, it must first be broken down into these two simple sugars by an enzyme in our guts called lactase. As I mentioned earlier, about 65% of the world’s people haven’t inherited the genes to make lactase and are therefore lactose intolerant. The notable exception to this rule is people from Northern Europe and their descendants. Because Northern Europeans maintain high gut lactase activity as adults, they can metabolize lactose into its two simple sugars and don’t experience gastro-intestinal upset after drinking milk.
Milk consumption in any form has been scientifically linked to heart disease, peptic ulcers, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome, acne, increase of steroid hormones, food allergies, gut dysbiosis, excess mucus production, parkinson’s disease, cancers, cataracts, impaired iron and zinc absorption and proven to NOT REDUCE BONE FRACTURE risk!
Having a little bit of whey protein in your diet if you truly have no allergy or sensitivity by testing on it is fine. Eating cheese 3-4x a week and drinking milk or eating ice-cream is a NO-GO! For 2 main reasons… those are all highly processed and altered and high levels of dairy in each.
Milk is designed to make young animals grow rapidly and to prime their immune systems and prevent disease by allowing hormones and other substances in their mother’s milk to enter their bloodstreams. This is a brilliant evolutionary strategy to encourage survival for young suckling animals at the beginning of their lives, but is a formula for disaster when adult animals (us) consume a food intended only for the young of another species.
– Loren Cordain, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
Hormone/AutoImmune/STRENGTH Plan
You have 2 main holistic options for eating (way of life) to repair health and attain longevity. Both plans are based on eating REAL FOOD – removing ALL HEAVILY PROCESSED FOODS. One plan is plant based the other is animal based with a lot of plants. You choose based on what you can consistently do.
Eat as organic and clean as you can afford. Nothing that is highly processed at all (no added white sugars, chemicals and preservatives). ZERO Dairy, limit grains, beans/legumes (unless you’re plan based). Add in organic fish, beef, pork, chicken, etc. Remove any foods you are allergic or sensitive to. AVOID ALCOHOL.
- The most important organ for longevity is: MUSCLE! The stronger & healthier your muscle is, the more carbohydrates and fat your body BURNS!
- Protein is responsible for nearly all of the work that is carried out in every cell.
- You must eat a high quality protein divided evenly throughout the day (at each meal – 3X a day) to achieve proper muscle protein synthesis.
The goal is minimally 30+ gm of protein each meal (strive for 1gm of protein per pound of ideal body weight).
There are 3 macronutrients that make up food that the body can break down into energy or use as building material: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. Proteins are complex structures made up of amino acids. Amino acids can be essential (must be obtained from the diet), nonessential (the body produces these naturally) or conditionally essential (needed in times of stress or illness).
Protein is responsible for nearly all of the work that is carried out in every cell. It is also needed for the structure, function, and regulation of all tissues and organs. Dietary protein influences cell signaling, satiety, thermogenesis, and blood sugar regulation. When protein is low you will have the following symptoms: fatigue, slow wound healing, hair loss, aches and pains, edema, muscle loss & weakness, craving for sugar or salt, mood changes, anemia, decreased bone density (osteoporosis), hair skin & nails feeling soft or brittle, weight gain or loss, stress fractures.
Key Roles Include:
Immunity: antibodies are made up of specific protein structures that protect against potentially harmful substances, such as viruses and bacteria.
Enzymes: without enzymes, the body and its cells would be unable to carry out the thousands of crucial reactions involved in vital processes like metabolism and DNA repair.
Hormones: made up of binding proteins. Examples are thyroid hormone– vital for blood sugar regulation and growth hormone.
Repair: amino acids and protein structures work to repair damaged cells and build new ones when the damage is irreversible.
Detoxification: the body needs adequate amounts of protein to carry out detoxification pathways. When ‘detoxing’ or ‘cleansing’, proteins provide critical support and should be included. One of the key detoxifiers, is glutathione which is made from protein.
Neurotransmitters: Many of the mood affecting neurotransmitters such as tryptophan which is the precursor for serotonin.
Legal: The information provided is not intended as a means of diagnosis or treating illness or as a replacement for any medicine or advice from a competent physician. Individuals having serious health problems should consult a competent licensed physician specializing in their condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. We assume no responsibility for anyone choosing to self-administer any suggestions in this publication; they do so on their own determinism. The information in this publication is for educational purposes only.
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